Surrender implies defeat. I will not surrender. I will persevere. I will achieve. Many tasks in life are well served with this attitude.The times that I belonged to a gym and stepped onto an elliptical bike or tried to life weights I had to push through the pain of the workout. The harder I pushed the more I could bike and lift and the fitter I would become.Emotional weight is not shed pushing harder. Emotional weight is shed when I let go. Surrender into the moment that is not perfect. Surrender into the frustration. With each emotional moment that I let go and surrender, I build emotional muscles.We want to build resilience and gain strength to negative thoughts. In a moment of anger we want to build emotional muscle. The muscle allows us to recognize the emotion, make a choice not to follow the emotional and surrender. Let go of anger. Come back to feelings of compassion and love. If that does not work, at least try to breathe. The discomfort of the emotion is ok.Surrender is not a weakness because it takes enormous strength of character to surrender in the face of an emotional state. It is easy to move right into the anger, depression or frustration.Next time anger comes over you, try to surrender and move away from the voice that tells you a story about why anger is justified. Tell me if that is weakness or strength. I found it incredibly hard to come back to love and compassion in the face of anger. It took strength to let go.