In this episode of Art of Authenticity I had a thoughtful conversation with Mathias Jakobsen, the founder of Think Clearly and an executive coach.mathias-jakobsenMathias is an executive coach, but he also used to do digital work for The New York Times, Bloomberg, Google, Coca-Cola; all sorts of companies, and working with startup CEO’s and corporate executives. He also has a platform called Think Clearly, but what he really wanted to get across was less about where you worked and what you were doing, and much more about the mindset behind it. He’s really interested in the idea of how flexible peoplecan be, and how they can change, and be and do anything they want. His work really reflects it.He is super interesting and fascinating. I loved chatting with him. I think you’re going to learn a lot about answering these dreaded questions of, “What do I want? How do I get there? How do I tackle the purpose question and the finance question? What does that look like in real life?” The goal of this show is to really unpack the idea that having passion is great, having financial success is great, but how do you combine the two, and how do you define that for yourself?

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  • Less about where you worked and what you were doing and more about the mindset behind it. [1:20]
  • Is purpose driven in how he lives his [3:19]
  • Why am I here? Why have I chosen to come into this space-time reality? What is it that I am supposed to be doing in this lifetime?  [3:41]
  • Helping people find out how flexible they are and how much they can change if they want to change. [5:22]
  • Mathias Jakobsen founded his first company when he was 15. [7:14]
  • He was driven by the act of fun and building. [9:53]
  • His purpose was revisited when he moved 3,500 miles to New York and realized he wasn’t making any money. [11:54]
  • He stepped back and asked himself what it was that he actually wanted. [13:13]
  • Knowing what your vision is and taking small steps and you may have to shift some things that you are doing to make it work for you. [19:16]
  • Public speaking [30:15]
  • How to find a niche [40:05]

More About Mathias

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