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Throw Away the Pro and Con List and Get Back To Living
Ever wonder what everyone is talking about when they talk about flow? When I looked it up, here is what [...]
I wanted to share a story with you.
As a coach, I am always interested in how often fear comes up for my clients.How does this sound to you? A highly [...]
Beginner’s Guide to Emotional Fitness
Hi-Have you read the Beginner's Guide To Emotional Fitness yet? If so, I would love to hear your thoughts! If [...]
Dreaded sits ups…
We all have habits. Some are productive and some are not. A lot of them are unconscious. How do we [...]
What are your emotional habits?
Emotional obesity is another way of saying we have unhealthy emotional habits. Physical fitness occurs when we create healthy habits [...]
Surrender much? Is surrendering always quitting or can it create space for alternative paths?
Surrender implies defeat. I will not surrender. I will persevere. I will achieve. Many tasks in life are well served [...]
Wanting is just another way of not accepting what is.
I want a new car. I want a new house. I want a new husband or wife. I want kids. [...]
Have you done your Emotional Workout today and taken a hot bath to recover?
Why is that I can go to a yoga class that nearly breaks my body into 100 pieces, sweat like [...]
Is running from pain keeping you from your dreams?
I do not like feeling afraid, sad or hurt. I go out of my way to avoid these feelings, as [...]