The Art of Authenticity

It’s time to get authentic – without the fluff. With The Art of Authenticity, Laura Coe – mother, author, entrepreneur, and philosophy lover – gets real people to get honest, get specific, and go deep about what it really means to live an authentic life and feel amazing, everyday. From figuring out step-by-step how to get the career and relationships that best reflect who you are, to understanding the intricacies of your own mental and physical health, The Art of Authenticity is a real-world guide on becoming the the best, most true version of yourself and the key to finally living a lighter, freer life.

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The Art of Authenticity

It’s time to get authentic – without the fluff. With The Art of Authenticity, Laura Coe – mother, author, entrepreneur, and philosophy lover – gets real people to get honest, get specific, and go deep about what it really means to live an authentic life and feel amazing, everyday. From figuring out step-by-step how to get the career and relationships that best reflect who you are, to understanding the intricacies of your own mental and physical health, The Art of Authenticity is a real-world guide on becoming the the best, most true version of yourself and the key to finally living a lighter, freer life.

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Featured Episodes

Danielle LaPorte: How to be Loving

In this episode, Danielle LaPorte, best-selling author, joins us again to talk about; what love is, her path to mysticism, and balancing the experience of being genuinely happy alongside the fear and emotions of the world. In our conversation, everything comes back to [...]

Rupert Spira: You Are the Happiness You Seek

In this episode of The Art of Authenticity, Rupert Spira, teacher, spiritual leader, and writer, teaches us about the nature of reality and the source of lasting peace and happiness. He explains the direct path and non-dual philosophy. As well as, elaborating on his [...]

AnnMarie Chereso: Discovering your Truth with Conscious Parenting

In this episode of Art of Authenticity, we had a conversation with AnnMarie Chereso: Author, Podcast Host, Meditation Teacher, and Transformational Life Coach, In this episode, Annmarie Chereso comes on the show to talk about taking out the fear in conscious parenting. For almost two decades [...]

Kevin Kaiser: Unlock Your Purpose

In this episode of Art of Authenticity, we had a conversation with Kevin Kaiser, Author and Integrated Coach Kevin Kaiser—a good friend—joins us on the show to talk about how to unlock, discover, and uncover your purpose. For 25 years, Kevin's worked with some of the [...]

Episode Archive

Deepak Ramola: Life Lessons Applied to Daily Life

In this episode of Art of Authenticity, I had a thoughtful conversation with Deepak Ramola, Founder & Artistic Director of Project FUEL. FUEL stands for: Forward the Understanding of Every Life Lesson.Today on the show we have Deepak Ramola joining us. [...]

Damian Mark Smyth: Do Nothing and Find Peace

In this episode of Art of Authenticity, I had a thoughtful conversation with Damian Mark Smyth, author of, Do Nothing, and founder of Rethinking Business. Today we have Damian Mark Smyth joining us all the way from the UK. Damian and [...]

Joseph Sanok: Build a Private Practice that You Love

In this episode of Art of Authenticity, I had a thoughtful conversation with Joe Sanok, founder of the Practice of the Practice.Today on the Art of Authenticity we have Joe Sanok joining us. Joe is the founder of the Practice of [...]

Suzanne Falter: A Heroic Story of Bravery and Faith

In this episode of Art of Authenticity, I had a thoughtful conversation with Suzanne Falter, internet marketer, writer, blogger, and coach for healing trauma.Today on the podcast we have Suzanne Falter joining us. On this show, we have done a [...]

How Being a People Pleaser Leads to Rejection

Have you ever thought that in the very act of trying to please to avoid rejection, you have already experienced the rejection you fear? It is a paradox. I don't want to be rejected so I try to please. But [...]

Khe Hy: Why Fear Doesn’t Matter When Making A Change this episode of Art of Authenticity, I had a thoughtful conversation with Khe Hy, former hedge fund partner turned writer.  Today we have Khe Hy joining us. Khe is one of those people who came out of the gate quickly, went to [...]

Perfection in the Midst of Chaos

I’m going to take another question from someone who wrote in. I have an email here from Dave. Dave writes in and talks about how he is working really hard to live in his truth. Awesome Dave, very happy for [...]

Caroline Webb: How To Have a Good Day

In this episode of Art of Authenticity, I had a thoughtful conversation with Caroline Webb author of, How to Have a Good Day.Today on the podcast we have Caroline Webb joining us. Caroline is the CEO of Sevenshift, a firm that [...]

Authentic Rituals – Find Systems That Work For You

Do you listen to other podcasts that suggest regiments? Do you read blog posts? Do you study the behavioral habits of anybody that you admire and try to figure out what they do? Have you read books on how to [...]

4 Step Breathing Technique to Do Anywhere

Yoga teacher and friend, Amy Owen, joined me to record a 4 part breathing technique that you can do anywhere in less than one minute. Stress? Overwhelm? Big decisions? Take a moment to practice this technique to find calm, space, [...]

Amy Owen: Feel Better in Minutes

In this episode of Art of Authenticity I had a thoughtful conversation with Amy Owen, Yoga teacher, dula, fashion model, and good friend.Many of you have written in and talked about stress, a sense of overwhelm, and a feeling that [...]

Reclaim Your Success, Kick out the Impostor Voice

Today I wanted to talk about the dreaded imposter syndrome. If there’s anything that I think causes people to feel that inner sense of discomfort and then shame, it’s that imposter voice. Imposter voice is the voice within you that [...]

Daniel Gefen: On How to Never Give Up this episode of Art of Authenticity I had a conversation with Daniel Gefen, entrepreneur and host of the podcast Can I Pick Your Brain.  Today, we have Daniel Gefen joining us. Daniel is the co-founder of a company called, Get [...]

Stay Grounded In Difficult Times

We can't control what life throws our way, but we can control how we respond to it. How do you accept "what is?" How do you accept the reality you find yourself in and still feel ok, not happy, but ok? [...]

Jared Angaza: Bring the Soul into Your Brand

In this episode of Art of Authenticity I had a conversation with Jared Angaza, Strategist, Philanthropist, and creator of brands. Today on the podcast we have Jared Angaza joining us. Jared and I was introduced a few weeks ago and since then, [...]

The Still Point

Today, I hope you'll indulge me. I don't know if any of you have heard this before, but I wanted to read a short section of a poem that has inspired my work greatly and perfectly explains that place we're [...]

Gretchen Rubin: Habits, Tendencies and How to Be Yourself

In this episode of Art of Authenticity I had a thoughtful conversation with Gretchen Rubin, the author of The Happiness Project and other NYT bestselling books.Gretchen Rubin is the author of several books, including the blockbuster New York Times bestsellers, Better Than [...]

Join Me In A One Week Cleanse

Today, I have a little call to action. I am wondering if all of you will join me in a one week cleanse. We’ve talked about the five steps of what it takes to get to a more authentic life, [...]

Beth Richie: Gender, Violence and the Criminal System

In this episode of Art of Authenticity I had a thoughtful conversation with Dr. Beth Richie, the Director of the Institute of Research on Race and Public Policy.Welcome to this week’s episode of the Art of Authenticity. Today is a [...]

What Authenticity is NOT

After the 5-part series I did earlier this year, I was thinking, “What is it that I really want to talk about next?” and it hit me. I’ve talked to over 65 people about what authenticity means to them right? [...]

Jeff Brown: Read To Lead

In this episode of Art of Authenticity I had a thoughtful conversation with Jeff Brown, the host of the popular podcast, Read to Lead.Jeff Brown a podcaster, mentor and speaker. His goal: to help you bridge the gap between intentionality [...]

Why Living Your Truth Takes Daily Practice

Welcome to this week’s episode of the Art of Authenticity. This is part five of a five-part series. If you’re still with me, thank you for sticking it out through to the end. I hope you like it. Send me [...]

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